Millions of helpless children and even adults are bullied around the world just because they are physically or emotionally incapable of fighting back. They are forced to surrender themselves to the bully as they don't see any other resort. Next time when you see a bully bullying a victim, have some courage to interfere and raise your voice. You may be assisted by other people around you immediately. Even if not, the bully is too frightened to fight you back and continue bullying.
Let's stand against bullying and stand for the silent.
Please share this message to create a better world.
Let's stand against bullying and stand for the silent.
Please share this message to create a better world.
Revived Souls
There came those shiny faces,
Exuberant with new expectations and goals,
With some sort of satisfaction on their countenance,

Great tribulations they had been through,
What it took to get there they only knew,
Giving their heart and soul they fought a fray,
Their mates gave up but how could they ?
What it took to get there they only knew,
Giving their heart and soul they fought a fray,
Their mates gave up but how could they ?
Unknown faces and place as well,
Very far from where their parents dwell,
Ventured those great warriors bravely ahead,
Hoping for the best to where they were led.
Very far from where their parents dwell,
Ventured those great warriors bravely ahead,

Unprecedented problems they faced there,
Sleepless nights with threats and terror,
Perplexed what those strangers were doing,
They couldn't make out what on earth was going.
Sleepless nights with threats and terror,
Perplexed what those strangers were doing,
They couldn't make out what on earth was going.
Some of them panicked feeling themselves daunted,
Some even rethinked was it exactly what they wanted?
Everything is transient , The law this Universe must abide,
Some awaited hopefully for the storm to subside.
Some even rethinked was it exactly what they wanted?
Everything is transient , The law this Universe must abide,
Some awaited hopefully for the storm to subside.
As every night is followed by reviving dawn,
What they feared the most started to be fun,
Those gloomy clouds vanished, and the sky was clear,
They regained their lost smile, free of fear.
What they feared the most started to be fun,

They regained their lost smile, free of fear.
O Lord! Lead them to their destinies in upcoming years,
Nourish the treasure they carry between their ears.
Thanks almighty for you revived those souls,
And recuperated them making ready for subsequent goals....!
Nourish the treasure they carry between their ears.
Thanks almighty for you revived those souls,
And recuperated them making ready for subsequent goals....!