
Nepali Calendar

Fear No More - Live Fearless

Everyone has experienced fear, dreadful fear at least once in life. Whatever be the cause of fear, it is really unpleasant. Whether the causative agent of your fear is your job interview, your board exams, meeting your partner's parents for the first time, facing your mother after you broke her hair dryer, fear of getting caught while cheating or unknown fear when you are alone walking on a dark silent night, you feel a chill down your spine while imagining the moment of fear. Nobody wants to relive that moment of fear. So, everyone will make attempts to avoid the fearful situation as much as possible.

But, you cannot evade every situation that causes your fear. You must face and overcome them. For example, if you are afraid of dogs, you can avoid dogs; if you are afraid of bungee jumping, you can avoid that; if you are afraid of  having an accident while riding a motorbike, you can go by public bus instead; but there are some fearful situations which you cannot evade where you feel powerless and without control of the situation like, when you have to give job interviews, when you have to give your exams, or when you have to fly in an aeroplane to go overseas (if you have aerophobia/aviophobia); you must do it anyhow. In such situations where you feel like you've gotten yourself in an impasse, what will you do?

Firstly, you need to know whether your fear based on something logical/rational or not, whether there is some possibility of an accident, injury, financial loss, loss of reputation, or even threat to life. Then, you'll know the rationality of your fear. If you're fearful of bungee-jumping, that's fine because there is some possibility of some injury if anything unanticipated happens; fear of rafting, fear of wild animals, fear of  fire, fear of firearms, fear of missiles, fear of dacoits or fear of snakes are rational fears as they actually carry some risk with them. But, some people have fear of cockroaches, wild animals in the television screen, fear of clowns, fear of some plants, fear of some specific colors which are totally irrational. These things are perfectly harmless which makes the fear irrational. So, next time you fear, check whether your fear is rational or not.

And, know whether you can control your fear by doing anything or not. If you cannot control the situation or lessen your fear and anxiety by any means, why should you fear? Though some fears are beneficial for producing better results, like an employee fearing his boss to produce maximum output, student fearing the exam and preparing well to score higher, or a driver fearing that he might lose focus and cause accident,  at many instances fear can be counterproductive because it cripples us physically as well as mentally. We are unable to think, imagine and act to that ultimate potential we can if some fear lurks within us. Accustomizing with the situation and adequate preparation for the challenge could virtually make us fearless in most of the situations. 

Even after adequate preparation, accustomizing yourself of the situation, and checking the rationality of the fear, you are having fear, then you'll have to resort to this last step, which is visualizing the worst situation in your imagination. What possible situations might arise for you to face as the sequela of your complete failure in the situation? Is it completely reversible? Is the damage so bad and irreversible that you won't be able to make it up again? The answer you get will delight you. Nothing is irreparable. Even if it is, you can have a new start from the scratch. What is important is you should never lose hope. Let go of the fears you have and live every moment to the full potential without paralyzing yourself. Remember how many times you thought, "Oh, My God! Save me. Now, I am gone." in the past, but everything came out to be alright eventually. You are still here alive and kicking well. However dreadful the situation may seem, you'll be alright again. So, Fear no more - Live Fearless.

Time Value of Knowledge

Let’s discuss today ‘Time value of Knowledge’. It will be easy to understand for those Economics and Management students who are already familiar with the term ‘Time Value of Money’. For those who are relatively new to the terminology, it is a dictum that the value of money gradually decreases over time, because of inflation. The market price of commodities, consumption goods, foods, service and almost everything rises over time. By the same law, the earlier a person accumulates some particular amount of money, the faster he gets rich. It’s most difficult to earn your first million. The second million comes more easily and the third one even more easily. This is the reason why rich get richer and poor get poorer.

This is the analogy, I would like to correlate in the field of knowledge, in the field of academics. Have you ever noticed that some kids who were excellent in their primary school indeed turn out to become more intelligent and top notched academicians over time? Yes, that is simply because they started the business (of course of knowledge) earlier. I am not discouraging those students who are trying their best to upgrade your grades and become better in academics, you people sure can be the best. But, you’ve got to work a lot harder than those kids who started earlier. Let me support my proposition with some of the examples.
Consider yourself when you were in school and recollect how difficult it was then to memorize the names of seven days of the week and twelve months of the year. Now, it's effortless. You are capable of memorizing seven new terminologies in a minute easily. Do you think it is possible just because your brain has grown to maturity and it can process faster ??? In fact, it is proved scientifically that much (about 90 %) of our neural development is completed within 2 years of age. Your brain has, of course, developed a little since then, but not tantamount to that improvement in your capabilities. The single most important thing that can be attributed to your increased understanding and rationality is not age or biological development, it is your experience, your capacity to consolidate your memory by making associations of newfound details and piece of information with the old ones you already know.

Have you ever wondered how Mr. ‘X’ (who is never seen at library/always keeps partying) is able to outperform his fellow mates putting least of his time in studying whereas his close friends are struggling to pass? Maybe he might have studied burning the midnight oil, worked up a lot when everyone else was sleeping, or he might just be an early learner who had amassed quite a horde of information as compared to his fellows. Even if everyone in the study group studies for equal hours, the results vary because the connections you make, the things you think of vary uniquely. You might spend time searching the meaning of some complicated words every now and then whereas he doesn’t have to stop every other paragraph because of his solid foundation of vocabulary. He can read better and faster than you because he has practiced it since a long time. It is no surprise that he can outperform you or his friends easily just in the same way that a business tycoon can wipe out fledgling businessmen by running them out of business.

So, understanding this, we should keep in mind the time value of knowledge and start building our own fortress of knowledge as soon as possible. Every student is capable of becoming a better learner to whom learning is facile if he starts early in his academic life and continues working. So, start right now, it’s never too late. Happy Studying….!!!

Do not chase your dream, just live a productive day..!!

Yes, we have listened this advice thousands of times ; “Chase your dream” , “Follow your dream” , “You have to listen the voice of your heart” , “Do what your conscience says” , and many more. The cheapest thing we get in this world are suggestions and advices. And paradoxically, the most heavily priced thing is also an advice, a good one. Most of them are free, absolutely free. But, as they are free they are useless most of the times if not all the times.

It’s really a cumbersome task to sort out which advice we should follow and which advice is to be discarded totally. I wish there were some instruments or softwares designed which could analyse the validity and usefulness of an idea and quantify it in numbers and percentages accurately.  Then we would not have to waste too much time in thinking, which everybody assumes that he/she is doing on a regular basis. But, the sad truth is that we have lost our references.We don’t know the standards to define success. We don’t really know what our dream is. What does one know what he should do in his /her life to be happy? Forget the dream, about fifty percent people have no idea what they are doing the day after tomorrow. And the rest fifty percent who know don’t actually bother to think why they are doing that.

Time is Energy

We have been simply understanding time as the duration between two events. We are able to measure time, estimate time, anticipate time, do anything but change the pace of time. It is easy to live time. To explain, it will be difficult. We pass it without being aware, just like we breath without being aware of it. We don’t know how much time we have passed and can never know how much we have got left. You might be a bit skeptical about my perspective when I say, “Time is energy”. Yes! It is energy and possibly the most potent energy.

Woman Injustice and Domestic Violence

The slightly disadvantaged gender by mother nature on physical prowess and muscular strength, women , are prone to injustice and violence in societies where there is no adequate awareness about mutual respect and human rights. In Nepal, a country where patrimonial system is traditionalized since many centuries, every woman has to face many challenges and instances of injustice during the ups and downs of her life. Woman injustice may vary from blatant injustice such as physical assault, rape or domestic violence to subtle ones such as mockery, eve – teasing and even uncomfortable gazes at the office.