
Do not chase your dream, just live a productive day..!!

Yes, we have listened this advice thousands of times ; “Chase your dream” , “Follow your dream” , “You have to listen the voice of your heart” , “Do what your conscience says” , and many more. The cheapest thing we get in this world are suggestions and advices. And paradoxically, the most heavily priced thing is also an advice, a good one. Most of them are free, absolutely free. But, as they are free they are useless most of the times if not all the times.

It’s really a cumbersome task to sort out which advice we should follow and which advice is to be discarded totally. I wish there were some instruments or softwares designed which could analyse the validity and usefulness of an idea and quantify it in numbers and percentages accurately.  Then we would not have to waste too much time in thinking, which everybody assumes that he/she is doing on a regular basis. But, the sad truth is that we have lost our references.We don’t know the standards to define success. We don’t really know what our dream is. What does one know what he should do in his /her life to be happy? Forget the dream, about fifty percent people have no idea what they are doing the day after tomorrow. And the rest fifty percent who know don’t actually bother to think why they are doing that.

Once I overheard a conversation between my neighbour, Murari Prashad and his 6 year old nephew, Bittu,  when the little boy was asked to do his homework. Naturally, Bittu was not much enthusiastic in doing his homeworks which generally consumed much of his time in the home which he could have used in some fun play with his peers. So, he asked his uncle why should he do all these homeworks daily ? He asked Murari Prashad if he could volunteer to do the homeworks for him. Thinking that he could now give Bittu some words of knowledge, Murari Prashad rephrased the lie he had been hearing since his childhood that he needed to do his homework in order to get education, excel academically, become successful in life, and some other totally bogus reasons which he believed were the ultimate truths of life. The boy asked his uncle if he did his own homeworks during his school days because he had doubt that why he was not successful in life if he had done his homeworks. I remorse the fact that I could not see the face of Murari Prashad at the moment. But I believe, seeing someone’s face like that, someone may have coined the phrase ‘ face like a squeezed lemon’.  The question was simply irrefutable.

Bittu didn’t regard his uncle to be a successful person. How can he follow the advice of someone who has failed himself ? Some may differ in opinion by saying that we gain experience from failures and we need to follow the advice of those who have failed in some particular task. But, what I believe is that person knows one way which leads to failure. He doesn’t know what one must do to succeed. He can only tell what you should not do. You can still follow his advice by not doing what mistake did he do and fail in so many other ways. So, seeking advice is really a tough job as you have to find the expert who has mastered the field and has made every possible mistakes before finding the definitive way to do the work which never fails. Otherwise, I told you that is the cheapest and useless advice.

Talking about dream and success, who do you think is a success , a secondary school teacher or the millionaire who owns the school, the infrastructures and all its appurtenances ? We do not know enough about these two to make a prompt decision that which one is a success or which one is a failure. We do not know whether the school teacher is the son of a poor farmer of a tribal community who earned his daily wages sweltering in the scorching sun to make his son through college or is a spoiled brat of a billionaire who once owned half of the country. And, we also don’t know if the school owner was son of one of those quoted in above example. Changing their backgrounds makes them success or failures even in the same position. Not peeing in bed is success for a five year old, being able to sell all the cookies before noon is success for a cookies vendor, having all his students get good grades is success for a school teacher, and being able to win the olympic gold might be a success  for a hard trained athlete. And the goals and criteria of evaluating success change; daily, monthly and yearly.

So, Let’s stop bothering about following the dream. Following the dream necessitates us to find what is the best dream to have and the vicious cycle of unhappiness and dissatisfaction starts. Let’s just make a resolution to make our each day productive so that we can go to bed feeling accomplished. And the next day better than the previous one. You will be amazed in few months what miracle is working so great to make your life such wonderful.