Quite akin though they seem,
Discussed over centuries and more
Mankind has reached this phase
Muddled in prioritizing Wisdom and Knowledge.
Systems have been developed,
And theories have been propounded
To enhance the levels of dexterity,
And to inculcate these virtues to our posterity
Knowledge is today free,
Knowledge is today free,
Not as rare as it used to be
There is indeed a paucity
Of Wisdom having immense purity.
Knowledge brags and boasts
While wisdom contemplates
It enriches the intellect,
But the knowledge merely inflates.
Degrees packed with knowledge are being marketed
Wisdom long ago was disregarded and is now obsolete
Volumes of books the knowledge wrote
Wisdom remains today only in “Wisdom Quotes”
Knowledge has encroached and cornered the wisdom
But wisdom doesn’t even retaliate
For it knows only to smile and forgive
Unlike the furious and impetuous knowledge.