
Woman Injustice and Domestic Violence

The slightly disadvantaged gender by mother nature on physical prowess and muscular strength, women , are prone to injustice and violence in societies where there is no adequate awareness about mutual respect and human rights. In Nepal, a country where patrimonial system is traditionalized since many centuries, every woman has to face many challenges and instances of injustice during the ups and downs of her life. Woman injustice may vary from blatant injustice such as physical assault, rape or domestic violence to subtle ones such as mockery, eve – teasing and even uncomfortable gazes at the office.

Even in those societies where females are believed to be equally empowered as males, there exist some degree of injustice to females. Whenever someone tries to speak for the women’s rights, he/she is ridiculed and despised calling him/her a feminist. Some religions like Islam openly support women injustice by banning female education, accepting polygyny and female genital mutilation. It is very difficult many a times to change the mindset of an individual who is a fanatic of religion and of such socioeconomic background where women are not valued.

Many instances of women injustice remain unknown to the world. Most of the times, victim is unaware that she is in injustice ; and even at times she knows it, she doesn’t want to report because the abuser is her relative or she is afraid of social stigma ; and some don’t know the proper channel and authority to report such cases.

First and foremost thing that we can do to stop women injustice and prevent our girls from being victimized is educating them. There’s a two way benefit of doing so : firstly she will be independent and be capable to identify and report any instances of injustice and secondly, she will never do any injustice to any other female and resist strongly if she happens to see any. Formulating and implementing strong legislations against the culprits of women injustice may also play a subsidiary role in minimizing women injustice, but awareness and mutual respect is the best and surest way.

Lastly, as Mahatma Gandhi said, “ Be the change you want to see.” . In order to stop women injustice , we must be an example ourselves. We must be compassionate and accept each and every person as special ; and should never under any circumstances exploit our physical / intellectual strength to subjugate others. We should be an example of change, we should raise our voices against women violence. Then we’ll see the beauty of our existence , unleash our true potential , and feel what a joyful life it is…!!!