
Human Dignity And Human Rights

It is still a mystery that since when we inhabited this planet and from where did the human race evolve. But we now believe  that our species has a history of more than ten thousand years based on various dating techniques and material decay studies. Human life has always been valued and caring of the sick by other members of the community is practised. From the time when different herbs were used empirically to treat ailments before the Chriatian era to today where we witness heart, lung and liver transplants, Lobotomy, Septal myectomy, Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and many more, numerous advancements in the field of health and medicine can be acknowledged. Since the Hippocratic time, many breakthroughs were made at different points of time. After training of physicians began in early 13th century in Italy, healthcare was systematized. The invention of microscope in the 17th century , postulation of ‘The Germ Thoery of Disease’ in the 19th century, discovery of antibiotics, invention of X-rays and use of ultrasonography in medicine, all these accelerated the medical field towards its ‘post-modern’ era.