
Time Value of Knowledge

Let’s discuss today ‘Time value of Knowledge’. It will be easy to understand for those Economics and Management students who are already familiar with the term ‘Time Value of Money’. For those who are relatively new to the terminology, it is a dictum that the value of money gradually decreases over time, because of inflation. The market price of commodities, consumption goods, foods, service and almost everything rises over time. By the same law, the earlier a person accumulates some particular amount of money, the faster he gets rich. It’s most difficult to earn your first million. The second million comes more easily and the third one even more easily. This is the reason why rich get richer and poor get poorer.

This is the analogy, I would like to correlate in the field of knowledge, in the field of academics. Have you ever noticed that some kids who were excellent in their primary school indeed turn out to become more intelligent and top notched academicians over time? Yes, that is simply because they started the business (of course of knowledge) earlier. I am not discouraging those students who are trying their best to upgrade your grades and become better in academics, you people sure can be the best. But, you’ve got to work a lot harder than those kids who started earlier. Let me support my proposition with some of the examples.
Consider yourself when you were in school and recollect how difficult it was then to memorize the names of seven days of the week and twelve months of the year. Now, it's effortless. You are capable of memorizing seven new terminologies in a minute easily. Do you think it is possible just because your brain has grown to maturity and it can process faster ??? In fact, it is proved scientifically that much (about 90 %) of our neural development is completed within 2 years of age. Your brain has, of course, developed a little since then, but not tantamount to that improvement in your capabilities. The single most important thing that can be attributed to your increased understanding and rationality is not age or biological development, it is your experience, your capacity to consolidate your memory by making associations of newfound details and piece of information with the old ones you already know.

Have you ever wondered how Mr. ‘X’ (who is never seen at library/always keeps partying) is able to outperform his fellow mates putting least of his time in studying whereas his close friends are struggling to pass? Maybe he might have studied burning the midnight oil, worked up a lot when everyone else was sleeping, or he might just be an early learner who had amassed quite a horde of information as compared to his fellows. Even if everyone in the study group studies for equal hours, the results vary because the connections you make, the things you think of vary uniquely. You might spend time searching the meaning of some complicated words every now and then whereas he doesn’t have to stop every other paragraph because of his solid foundation of vocabulary. He can read better and faster than you because he has practiced it since a long time. It is no surprise that he can outperform you or his friends easily just in the same way that a business tycoon can wipe out fledgling businessmen by running them out of business.

So, understanding this, we should keep in mind the time value of knowledge and start building our own fortress of knowledge as soon as possible. Every student is capable of becoming a better learner to whom learning is facile if he starts early in his academic life and continues working. So, start right now, it’s never too late. Happy Studying….!!!