
Do not chase your dream, just live a productive day..!!

Yes, we have listened this advice thousands of times ; “Chase your dream” , “Follow your dream” , “You have to listen the voice of your heart” , “Do what your conscience says” , and many more. The cheapest thing we get in this world are suggestions and advices. And paradoxically, the most heavily priced thing is also an advice, a good one. Most of them are free, absolutely free. But, as they are free they are useless most of the times if not all the times.

It’s really a cumbersome task to sort out which advice we should follow and which advice is to be discarded totally. I wish there were some instruments or softwares designed which could analyse the validity and usefulness of an idea and quantify it in numbers and percentages accurately.  Then we would not have to waste too much time in thinking, which everybody assumes that he/she is doing on a regular basis. But, the sad truth is that we have lost our references.We don’t know the standards to define success. We don’t really know what our dream is. What does one know what he should do in his /her life to be happy? Forget the dream, about fifty percent people have no idea what they are doing the day after tomorrow. And the rest fifty percent who know don’t actually bother to think why they are doing that.

Time is Energy

We have been simply understanding time as the duration between two events. We are able to measure time, estimate time, anticipate time, do anything but change the pace of time. It is easy to live time. To explain, it will be difficult. We pass it without being aware, just like we breath without being aware of it. We don’t know how much time we have passed and can never know how much we have got left. You might be a bit skeptical about my perspective when I say, “Time is energy”. Yes! It is energy and possibly the most potent energy.